Villains' Challenge Event Guide
Treasure Chest - Premium Ticket
Gold Treasure Chest - Skill Ticket
Defeat 1 Villain - 10,000 Coins
Defeat all 3 Villains - Silver Event Pin
Clear 1 card - 20,000 Coins
Clear all 3 cards - Pete Tsum Tsum
Villains' Challenge Event Information
The Villains' Challenge event for the International version of the game is here! We have put together this page to help explain the event and give some helpful tips and tricks about how to win the event!
To start the event you have to select the event "card". This is done the same way as selecting a Bingo card by pressing the cards button in the lower left hand corner of the Weekly Ranking Screen. Once you click that if you are currently playing a bingo card you can click the button in the lower left that says "Villains' Challenge" to switch to the event card. Once you do that, if you haven't already started the event card you need to click the big Start Button on the card. There will be 20 different cards during the event. Each card is a pumpkin you have to fill up with treats, once you have filled the pumpkin you have completed that card and move to the next. The event will end the night of October 31st. When you complete each card you will get a prize.
Once you have started the event you will presented with 3 "doors" that you can choose from.
Once you select a door you will be presented with a map with a series of challenges. On each of the three maps there will be a Villain you need to defeat once you have completed all the challenges leading to them. The missions get progressively harder between the different maps. The Red Door/Evil Queen map is the easiest and the Green Door/Maleficent Dragon map is the hardest.
When you get to a Villain you will need to earn a number of points to defeat that Villain. You earn points by completing "mini missions" while playing.
The mini missions will appear at the top of the game screen when playing. As soon as you finish one, another will appear. Try to finish as many as possible during the game. Once you defeat a Villain, additional missions will appear on the card!
If you use the princess that corresponds to the Villain you are challenging you will get a bonus! (Snow White gets a bonus on the Evil Queen map, Regular Ariel gets a bonus on the Ursula map, and Princess Aurora gets a bonus on the Maleficent Dragon map)
Villains' Challenge Event Tips and Tricks
Overall the event is fairly straightforward and the missions aren't as difficult as many of the Bingo missions, especially if you use the correct Princess Tsum for the bonus. Some tips:
- Use the correct Princess Tsum as MyTsum for the bonus
- You can switch back and forth between the maps if you get stuck
Do you have any other tips or tricks for the event? If so, let us know in the comments below and we can add them to the list!
Card Missions
Evil Queen/Red Card
- Mission 1 - Create a 15 combo in 1 play
- Mission 2 - Clear 1,000 Tsum Tsum in total
- Mission 3 - Clear 6 Magical Bubbles in 1 play
Tip: Use Marie or Miss Bunny
- Mission 4 - Earn 1,400 coins in total
- Mission 5 - Activate skills 5 times in 1 play
Tip: Use a Tsum whose skill charges quickly like Thumper
- Mission 6 - Clear the Evil Queen's missions (Earn 10,000 points)
- Mission 7 - Create a 80 combo in 1 play
Tip: Create lots of short chains and wait to use bubbles and skills until you aren't in Fever to get back into Fever quickly
- Mission 8 - Activate skills 24 times in total
Tip: Use a Tsum whose skill charges quickly like Thumper

Ursula/Purple Card
- Mission 13 - Enter fever 3 times in 1 play
Tip: Save bubbles and skills until you aren't in Fever so you can get back into Fever quickly
- Mission 14 - Make a 12 chain in 1 play
- Mission 15 - Clear 80 MyTsum in 1 play
- Mission 16 - Clear 8 Magical Bubbles in 1 play
Tip: Use Marie or Miss Bunny
- Mission 17 - Earn 350 coins in 1 play
- Mission 18 - Clear 10 Big Tsum Tsum in total
Tip: Use Sulley or Baymax to speed up this mission
- Mission 19 - Clear 2 Time Bubbles in 1 play
Tip: Use Miss Bunny if you have her
- Mission 20 - Clear Ursula's missions (Earn 12,000 points)
- Mission 21 - Activate skills 4 times in 1 play
- Mission 22 - Create a 85 combo in 1 play
Tip: Create lots of short chains and wait to use bubbles and skills until you aren't in Fever to get back into Fever quickly
- Mission 23 - Clear 500 Tsum Tsum in 1 play
Tip: Use a Tsum whose skill clears a lots of Tsum Tsums like Darth Vader
- Mission 24 - Earn 4,000 coins in total
- Mission 25 - Earn 50,000,000 points in total
- Mission 26 - Clear 20 Big Tsum Tsum in total
Tip: Use Sulley or Baymax to speed up this mission
- Mission 27 - Clear 100 Magical Bubbles in total
Tip: Use Marie or Miss Bunny
- Mission 28 - Clear 30 Time Bubbles in total
Tip: Use Miss Bunny

Maleficent/Green Card
- Mission 29 - Clear 1 Star Bubble in 1 play
Tip: Use Miss Bunny if you have her
- Mission 30 - Earn 1,000 EXP in total
- Mission 31 - Clear 3 Big Tsum Tsum in 1 play
Tip: Use Sulley or Baymax
- Mission 32 - Make a 20 chain in 1 play
Tip: Use Rapunzel, Elsa (might need to wait to pop the iced Tsums until you can use her skill a 2nd time), or Sulley
- Mission 33 - Create 1 65 combo in 1 play
Tip: Use Donald or Holiday Donald and short chains. 5->4 power up can help a lot too.
- Mission 34 - Clear 10 Magical Bubbles in 1 play
Tip: Use Marie or Miss Bunny
- Mission 35 - Enter fever 5 times in 1 play
Tip: Use Pumpkin Mickey if you have him. If not, use a burst Tsum and save skill and bubbles for when you aren't in Fever so you get back to Fever quickly
- Mission 36 - Clear Maleficent Dragon's missions! (Earn 15,000 points)
- Mission 37 - Clear 3 Time Bubbles in 1 play
Tip: Use Miss Bunny if you have her. Surprise Elsa can also work well
- Mission 38 - Activate skills 20 times in total
Tip: Use a Tsum whose skill charges quickly like Thumper
- Mission 39 - Create a 90 combo in 1 play
Tip: Use Donald or Holiday Donald
- Mission 40 - Earn 1,000 coins in 1 play
- Mission 41 - Earn 10,000,000 points in total
- Mission 42 - Earn 3,000,000 points in 1 play
- Mission 43 - Clear 10 coin bubbles in total
Tip: Use Miss Bunny if you have her
- Mission 44 - Create a 150 combo in 1 play
Tip: Use Donald or Holiday Donald and make short chains. The 5->4 and +Time power ups can help a lot as can +Bubbles
- Mission 45 - Make a 40 chain in 1 play
Tip: Use Elsa and use her skill more than once to get enough frozen Tsums before clicking on them. Also could use Sulley and try to get enough Big Tsums to create a 40 chain
- Mission 46 - Earn 30,000 coins in total