- Sunday, September 25, 2016 10:18 AM
- PeterPanFan
The Japanese Disney Store announced another set coming out October 7th but this set is unlike any sets before!
XFlag is the developer of both the Marvel Tsum Tsum Mobile Game as well as several other mobile games including one called Monster Strike. Recently the Japanese versions of the two games started a "cross over" event with some of the Monster Strike characters coming over to the Marvel game. Now, the Japanese Disney Store is going to release a plush set that includes the characters that crossed over from Monster Strike into the Marvel game!
The set will be released October 7th on the Japanese Disney Store website as well as select other stores.
Here are more images of the upcoming set and Tsums!

On another note, if you didn't see it yesterday, we are running a giveaway for 2 6-packs of Series 1 Disney Tsum Tsum Figural Keyring blind bags courtesy of
Entertainment Earth! Check out the
giveaway page by clicking here to enter to win!