- Wednesday, December 28, 2016 12:27 PM
- PeterPanFan
Today the official Marvel Tsum Tsum Mobile Game news site announced some exciting updates coming this weekend!
First, Hulk (Amadeus Cho) and Prowler will be added to the Orb box starting January 1st. They will have their stats boosted (+500 HP/ATK/DEF) for the month of January. From Jan 1st until the end of the day Jan 4th they will have a higher drop rate from the orb box and will get +5 luck per draw instead of the usual 1 luck.
Next, a new Thanos - Stop the Invasion event will run from 1/1 12PM PST to 1/15 11:59 PM PST. This event sounds like it will be similar to the Spider-Man event with mission stages where Thanos will appear randomly for battle (like Venom in the Spider-Man event). You will earn points by defeating Thanos and be able to buy different rewards including another new Tsum: Mosaic!
We will of course provide more details about the event as we have them.

Here are the preview videos for the two new Orb Box Tsums:
Hulk (Amadeus Cho)