- Sunday, May 1, 2016 9:35 AM
- PeterPanFan
The Star Wars Tsum Tsums are finally here!
Luke, Yoda, and R2-D2 have been are now available in the Premium Box! They are limited edition Tsum Tsums that will only be available until the end of Part II of the Star Wars event in June. They currently have lucky time through May 4th so you have a better than normal chance of getting them the next few days!
BB-8 and Darth Vader hasn't been added yet; however, they should arrive during the event. Leia and C-3PO you can get by completing the event (Leia is available in Part II and C-3PO you can get in both parts of the event)
In addition to the new Tsum Tsums the event will be starting soon! The original announcement indicated it should start today but that may have been wrong. Either way, Part I should run through the month of May with Part II starting in June 1st. We have created a preliminary version of a guide to Part I of the event that you can find by
clicking here (or via the menu). We will be updating the guide as we get further into the event but hopefully it will be a good starting point!

Now, lets look at the new Tsums!

Luke and R2-D2 are basic burst Tsums... of the two Luke seems to be a bit better and clears higher numbers of Tsums than R2 usually does (at least at higher skill levels). Other than the cute animations there isn't much difference between them and the many other burst Tsums.
Yoda's skill is the same as Bumblebee Pooh where he will freeze time and while time is frozen you can make chains of Tsums. When time un-freezes all the Tsums that you have chained will count as one big chain. The main difference between Bumblebee Pooh and Yoda is how the skill level increases effect their skill. For Yoda having a higher skill level will decrease the number of Tsums needed to power him up while with Pooh it increases the amount of time the game is frozen. Since the time is the same as the top level Pooh skill (5 seconds) and Yoda requires a lot more Tsums to power up he doesn't seem to be as good as Bumblebee Pooh.